
The Expression Node

The Expression Node

The Expression node allows for the generic setting of various objects within N2ACD.

The following Expression types are currently supported:


An Expression Node Set rule allows users to specify values to be set to various profile and storage fields within N2ACD.

Loop Counter Adjust

The Expression Node Adjust Loop Counter rule uses N2ACD Profile Fields to alter a custom counter. The counter will be incremented or decremented each time a Expression Node configured to use the counter is processed.

Note that, unlike the First Callers node, loop counters apply only to the call in progress and are not shared values.

Loop Counter Set

The Expression Node Set Loop Counter rule uses N2ACD Profile Fields to set a custom counter. The specified counter will be set to the value specified in the Expression Node.

Note that, unlike the First Callers node, loop counters apply only to the call in progress and are not shared values.

Event Counter Adjust

The Expression Node Adjust Event Counter rule uses the N2ACD event counter increment node to increment or decrement the event counter value stored in the N2ACD database for a specified event counter.

Event Counter Set

The Expression Node Set Event Counter rule uses the N2ACD event counter setting node to set the value of the event counter to the value specified in the Expression Node.