Activate Alternative Control Flows

Alternative Control Flows

All control flows may have an alternative flow. When the alternative flow state is activated for a customer all active flows will be overridden by their alternative flow if they have one.

For those control flows without an alternative, the system will continue to use the existing scheduled flow.

Alternative Control Plan Activation

If your security level grants the appropriate security role, alternative flows can be activated using the Activate Alternative Flows button:

activate alternative control flows button

Clicking this button will immediately activate all alternative flows. Once activated the customer page will display a reminder at the top of the page: activate alternative control flows warning big

This reminder will be displayed to all users, as will an additional column in the Service Number’s table:

activated alternative control flows

The Alternative Control Flow Activated column will display the overriding control flow for each service number.

If a service number’s active flow has an alternative flow the alternative flow name will display in this column with ‘(alternative) ' as it’s suffix.

Control flows listed in this column without the ‘(alternative)’ suffix are active flows which do not have an alternative flow.

An additional reminder is also displayed on screen when a service number is toggled open: activated alternative control flows warning small

Viewing Control Flows

The name of any flow displayed in the Alternative Control Flow Activated column can be selected. Selecting the name of the control flow will redirect you to the alternative (or active) flow.

Alternative Control Flow Deactivation

If your security level grants the appropriate security rule, the alternative flow state can be deactivated by clicking the Deactivate Alternative Flows button.

Clicking this button will end the alternative flow override for the customer.