Database Types

Multiple Databases

Each database type (DB, LDB, or RDB) in the N2ACD platform requires its own PostgreSQL service for each instance. If more than one database type is co-hosted on any single physical node, each instances' listening database port must be altered in order to allow simultaneous operation.

As an example, to create a new instance of PostgreSQL using port 5433 (instead of the default 5432) for a local database on a RHEL8 platform, the following commands could be used:

sudo postgresql-new-systemd-unit --unit postgresql@ldb --datadir /var/lib/pgsql/data.ldb
sudo postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql@ldb --port 5433
sudo semanage port -a -t postgresql_port_t -p tcp 5433
sudo systemctl enable postgresql@ldb
sudo systemctl add-requires postgresql@ldb.service
sudo systemctl start postgresql@ldb

The exact commands to create a new, separate PostgreSQL server on your specific OS and version may differ.