Run Scheduled Reports


The program is designed to run regularly (by default every 15 minutes) from the systemd service, using the systemd timers subsystem. The necessary systemd configuration files are installed by the n2acd-api package and is designed to be run on the middleware (Jarvis execution) environment for N2ACD (not the reporting server or DB server).

This script manages the scheduled reports to execute as listed in the database table n2acd.report_schedule, and updates executed reports in the n2acd.report_generation_log log table.

Running --help will show the program usage. is used to run scheduled reports and add them to the email queue.

    Database connection:
    --db-host       = N2ACD database host name or IP address.               Default = localhost
    --db-port       = N2ACD database port.                                  Default = 5432
    --db-name       = N2ACD database name.                                  Default = n2in
    --db-connect    = N2ACD database connection string. Alternative to
                      --db-host / --db-port / --db-name providing full
                      control over the DBI connection string. This may
                      be useful if [for example] connecting to a
                      service defined in ~/.pg_service.conf.
    --db-user       = N2ACD database user name.                             Default = n2acd_owner
    --db-password   = N2ACD database user password. If not directly
                      specified, credentials specified in ~/.pgpass will be used.

    --jarvis-config = The Jarvis config file for N2ACD-ADMIN.              Default = /etc/jarvis/n2acd-admin.xml
                      Dataset directory with prefix 'reports.' will be managed by this script.

Common Options

The following common options may be specified when executing:

Option Type Default Description
--db-host String localhost IP address or FQDN of the PostgreSQL database instance to connect to.
--db-port Number 5432 Port number of the PostgreSQL database instance to connect to.
--db-name String n2in_owner Name of the PostgreSQL database that contains the N2ACD schema.
--db-connect PSQL DB Connection String Alternative option to using --db-host --db-port and --db-name. Specified as a PostgreSQL connection string. See PostgreSQL Connection Strings for more information.
--db-user String n2acd_owner The username of the user to connect to the PostgreSQL database instance with.
--db-password String The password for the user specified with --db-user to connect to the PostgreSQL database instance with.
--jarvis-config String /etc/jarvis/n2acd-admin.xml The Jarvis XML file that defines the N2ACD administration configuration.

The following actions are available when executing this script:

Jarvis Configuration

Scheduled reports are run by the this script but use the N2ACD administration API configuration in the associated Jarvis configuration file (by default /etc/jarvis/n2acd-admin.xml) to determine how to deliver the reports generated.

The configuration required is covered in the administration GUI configuration page.

Deployment Considerations

Report generation relies on the dataset files in the dataset directory prefixed by reports. to be available for each API node in a N2ACD environment. If N2ACD is deployed on multiple SMS nodes the report must be installed on each node individually.

Further, to avoid downtime on scheduled reports, it is recommended that each ACD SMS middleware layer node is configured to execute this script, as per the scheduling configuration.

Usage Considerations

Accessed to scheduled reporting configuration is governed by the report_schedule_update and report_schedule_read as documented in the security groups table.