Reporting Configuration


N2ACD incorporates a broad reporting architecture directly into the product to enhance N2ACD for users.

Report access is managed within the administration screens. Users with report_read or report_write group access can access the “Reports” administration screen.

There are two main sections in the reports screen:

Available Reports

The reports tab shows the reports that are available in the system. Reports are linked to report tags in this screen. Each report must be linked to at least one report tag before they can be used in the Flow Editor screen.

reports list within the admin gui

To manage the reports themselves, the command line tool must be used.

To manage a report’s report tags, click the pencil icon on the report’s row. This feature is available with the report_write group. Read-only access does not allow tag changes.

From here you can drag and drop report tags to attach or detach report tags.

Report Tags

The report tags tab shows the list of report tags that are configured within N2ACD.

report tag list within the admin gui

To view how a report tag is used, click the pencil icon next to the report tag.

Report tags serve the purpose of grouping reports together in order to allow users to access certain reports within ACD. If a user has a report tag assigned to them, they are able to see all report attached to the report tag.

information screen for report tags

Within the report tag’s detail screen, all connections to a given report tag are shown. This includes:

  1. All reports assigned to the report tag,
  2. All users who have explicit access to a report tag.
  3. All customers with explicit access to a report tag.

Generally report access will be based on the report authentication group defined for the tag. However specific users can be given access to a tag by linking the user to the tag in the administration GUI. Similarly, users with access to specific customer(s) can be given access to reports based on report tag also.

Scheduled Reports

Reports may be scheduled by users to be executed regularly by the middleware layer of the ACD system. The ACD Flow Editor provides the graphical interface for users to configure their own scheduled reports. The ACD middleware layer executes the scheduled reports as required.

To enable the delivery of scheduled reports, the ACD emailing environment configuration must be completed. Once this is configured, report scheduling may be enabled by enabling the systemd timer configuration for running the script.

Step 1: Configure Script Execution

Edit the systemd configuration on each installed API server:

systemctl edit n2acd-run-scheduled-reports --full

It will be important to change the core execution line, from the default:


to a more complete command, e.g.:

ExecStart=/usr/share/n2acd/bin/ --pg-port 5433 --jarvis-config /etc/jarvis/n2acd-admin-prod.xml

The command line arguments for this script are documented further in [../cli/run_scheduled_reports.html].

Step 2: Configure, Enable and Start the Timer

Edit the run configuration for the timer:

systemctl edit n2acd-run-scheduled-reports.timer --full

Change the OnCalendar command as required. Every 15 minutes is the default, however if N2ACD is installed onto multiple servers this should be offset such that the two timers don’t trigger at effectively the same time and potentially trigger duplicate reports.

E.g. with two servers, configure the second server to offset execution by two minutes:


Once configured, enable and start the timer-based execution:

systemctl enable n2acd-run-scheduled-reports.timer 
systemctl start n2acd-run-scheduled-reports.timer