Follow Me

Follow Me

The FollowMe operation determines if the dialed Service Number has a “Follow Me Destination” currently provisioned. If so, the processing will attempt to terminate the call to that destination address, otherwise the “Non Provisioned” exit will be used.


The FollowMe operation has exactly two exits.

Config Parameters

The FollowMe operation config attributes are as follows.

Parameter Type Description
timeout_seconds Integer The number of seconds for which the Follow Me Destination should be rung before deciding that the call is unanswered and proceeding to the Busy/NoAnswer exit. If there is no processing attached to the Busy/NoAnswer exit, then this timeout value will not be used. If present, this value must be greater than or equal to zero. If absent or if zero, then a system-configured default timeout will be used.

Example Operation

Here is an example FollowMe operation in JSON representation.

        "id": 5,
        "type": "FollowMe",
        "base_node": 31,
        "config": {
            "timeout_seconds": 0
        "exits": [ 7, 6 ]

In this example:


The exits for this node are fixed.

Exit Index Name Description
0 Busy/NoAnswer [Required] This entry is followed if the Follow Me Destination is configured, but an attempted termination gives a Busy/NoAnswer response.
1 Not Provisioned [Required] This entry is followed if there is no Follow-Me Destination provisioned.