Administration Screens Configuration


The N2ACD Administration screens are configured in part through the administration GUI’s Jarvis configuration file:

File or Directory Description
/etc/jarvis/n2acd-admin.xml This is the main configuration file for N2ACD's administration GUI. It governs how the service will connect to the N2ACD database and the security model.


A core configuration file, n2acd-admin.xml (or the equivalent environment specific version) is responsible for handling the web client interaction for N2ACD’s administration frontend. It does this via the Jarvis RESTful web services library.

For a general breakdown of the n2acd-admin.xml file, see the Jarvis development and configuration guide. For configuration details shared with the flow editor, including application security configuration, see general configuration.

The following sections are specific configuration for the N2ACD administration screens.

Permission Model

The N2ACD administration GUI requires the permission model to be defined in the Jarvis configuration file.

In this file the section:


is preconfigured in the default deployment. The permission_model must be set to internal. At this stage no other option is supported.


N2ACD supports scheduled execution of reports loaded into the system using the report management script. To deliver scheduled reports, the N2ACD administration GUI needs to be configured with the correct directory where report scripts will be installed.

In the administration Jarvis configuartion file, locate the dataset_dir with the prefix="reports." configuration:

        <dataset_dir prefix="reports.">/var/lib/n2acd-fe/reports</dataset_dir>

Update the directory configured to be the correct location for reports in the environment being deployed. Note that this configuration change must be done on each N2ACD administration node where the XML configuration is served from.

This configuration must be similarly configured in the flow editor gui to support the direct execution of reports.

ACD Email Configuration

For the delivery of scheduled reports the ACD email configuration must be correctly set up for the deployed environment. In the Jarvis configuration file the default configuration section for report email is declared:

    <parameter name="really_send_emails" value="0"/>
    <parameter name="smtp_server" value="REPLACE_WITH_SMTP_SERVER_HOST"/>
    <parameter name="smtp_port" value="25"/>
    <parameter name="from_address" value="REPLACE_WITH_FROM_ADDRESS"/>
    <email_template subject = "N2ACD Automated Report: [% report_name %]">
Automated report [% report_name %] generated at [% this_run_datetime %].
[% report_description %]

This report was generated with the following parameters:
[% FOREACH key IN report_parameters.keys %]
[% key %]: [% report_parameters.$key %]
[% END %]

[% IF has_next_run_datetime %]
Next run is scheduled for [% next_run_datetime %].
[% END %]

This section of configuration is in the <config> section of the Jarvis configuration file. The following configuration options require setup:

Parameter Type Default Description
really_send_emails 0 or 1 0 If set to 0 emails are not sent. If set to 1 scheduled reports are sent via email.
smtp_server String none The hostname or IP address of the email server.
smtp_port Number 25 The TCP port to connect to the email server on.
from_address String none The email address to appear as the From: in emails sent. This might be or similar.
email_template String as shown The template of the email body sent to the receipient(s) of the scheduled report generated.
email_template.subject String as shown The template of the email subject sent to the receipient(s) of the scheduled report generated.

For the email template body and email template subject the following variables will be replaced in either template. Note that the email subject cannot have newlines in the text.

Variable Type Description
report_name String The name of the report generated, as provided to manage_available_reports when the report is defined in ACD.
report_description String The description of the report schedule as provided by the user.
report_parameters Key/Value pairs A dictionary of key/value pairs listing the parameters and values used in the generation of this report.
has_next_run_datetime Boolean True if the report will run again in the future.
next_run_datetime String A formatted string describing the next time the report will be run.
this_run_datetime String A formatted string describing the time that the email being sent was scheduled to run. This is likely to be shortly before the report is actually emailed.