Business Hours

Business Hours

The BusinessHours selects an exit according to the current Time of Day, Day of Week and Day of Year. It is one of the most complex operation structures in the Flow Editor.

The BusinessHours operation must have at least one exit. The BusinessHours operation is only useful when it has more than one exit, although this is not enforced by the operation definition.

The default Time Zone is “Platform Local Time”.

Config Parameters

The BusinessHours operation config attributes are as follows.

Parameter Type Description
timezone String The timezone specifies the name of an entry in the TIME_ZONE_GEOGRAPHY_SET geography set. This value may be missing (or may be null) in which case the system default local time zone will be used.
holiday_set String The holiday_set specifies the name of a (public or private) holiday set to use when matching any holidays as part of this operation. This parameter must be present if the operation performs any holiday matching.
default_exit_idx Integer [Required] The default_exit_idx is the zero-based index into the exits Array to determine which exit to follow if none of the configured rules match.
rules Array of
[Required] The rules Array must contain none or more Objects.

Config Rules

A BusinessHours operation rules Object takes one of the following forms.

Parameter Type Description
days String One of any (matches all days), mmdd (matches a calendar day or range of calendar days), holiday_entry (matches one of the named holidays), any_holiday (matches any holiday in the set), or dow (matches a single day of week or range of days of week).
start_day Integer This parameter is permitted and mandatory only when days = dow. It must be in the range 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). This is the last (inclusive) day of week that will be matched by this rule.
end_day Integer This parameter is permitted and mandatory only when days = dow. It must be in the range 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). This is the first (inclusive) day of week that will be matched by this rule. Note that end_day may wrap around and hence be less than start_day.
start_mmdd String This parameter is permitted and mandatory only when days = mmdd. It must be in the range 0101 (January 1st) to 1231 (December 31st) and must specify a valid four-digit Month + Day of Month. This is the first date (inclusive) of the date range that will be matched by this rule.
end_mmdd String This parameter is permitted and mandatory only when days = mmdd. It must be in the range 0101 (January 1st) to 1231 (December 31st) and must specify a valid four-digit Month + Day of Month. This is the last date (inclusive) of the date range that will be matched by this rule.
holiday_entries String This parameter is permitted and mandatory only for days = holiday_entry, and specifies the names of the system-configured named holidays (which may possibly be multi-day holidays) which will match for this rule. These named holiday must exist within the holiday set indicated by the holiday_set parameter in the config Object.
exit_idx Integer The zero-based index number of the exit to follow if this rules matches. The exit_idx parameter should only be present when Time of Day routing is absent for a rule. Every rule must specify exactly one of exit_idx or in_hours_exit_idx.
in_hours_exit_idx Integer The zero-based index number of the exit to follow if time-based matching is present for this rule, if the day matches, and if the current time falls within the configured hours for the rule. This parameter may and must be present if and only if exit_idx is not present.
out_of_hours_exit_idx Integer The zero-based index number of the exit to follow if time-based matching is present for this rule, if the day matches, and if the current time falls outside the configured hours for the rule. This parameter is not mandatory, and may be present if and only if in_hours_exit_idx is present.
start_hhmm String A string in the range 0000 to 2359 indicating the start of time of day matching period for this rule (if one exists). This parameter is permitted and mandatory if and only if end_hhmm is also present.
end_hhmm String A string in the range 0001 to 2400 indicating the end of time of day matching period for this rule (if one exists). This parameter is permitted and mandatory if and only if start_hhmm is also present, and it must be different from start_hhmm. If this value is less than start_hhmm then it represents a wrap-around period which includes midnight.

Matching Date and Time

When determining if a rule matches, first check the “Day” part of the rule, as follows:

If day does not match, then proceed to the next rule (or use default_exit_idx if no more rules remain).

If day matches, proceed to matching the current time according to the rule’s exit_idx, start_hhmm, end_hhmm, in_hours_exit_idx, and out_of_hours_exit_idx based on the following permitted time rule parameter combinations:

If no rule matches, then the exit indicated by default_exit_idx will be taken.

Example Operation

Here is an example BusinessHours operation in JSON representation.

        "id": 5,
        "type": "BusinessHours",
        "base_node": 1,
        "config": {
            "holiday_set": "National Holidays",
            "rules": [
                { "days": "holiday_entry", "holiday_entries": [ "Easter Weekend" ], "exit_idx": 1 },
                { "days": "mmdd", "start_mmdd": "0401", "end_mmdd": "0401",
                  "start_hhmm": "1200", "end_hhmm": "1500",
                  "in_hours_exit_idx": 0, "out_of_hours_exit_idx": 1
                { "days": "any_holiday", "exit_idx": 1 },
                { "days": "dow", "start_day": 1, "end_day": 5,
                  "start_hhmm": "0900", "end_hhmm": "1730",
                  "in_hours_exit_idx": 0, "out_of_hours_exit_idx": 1
                { "days": "any", "start_hhmm": "0600", "end_hhmm": "2400", "in_hours_exit_idx": 2 }
            "default_exit_idx": 1
        "exits": [ 4, 17, 33 ]

The rules will evaluate the current date and time in the following sequence. All Holidays are as defined in the Holiday Set named and are evaluated according to the server “local time zone”.

  1. On . Follow exit 1 to operation 17.

  2. On April 1st. Follow exit 0 to operation 4 between noon and 3pm, else exit 1 to operation 17.

  3. On any holiday. Follow exit 1 to operation 17.

  4. On Monday to Friday. Fllow exit 0 to operation 4 between 9am to 5:30pm, else exit 1 to operation 17.

  5. Any other day between 6am and midnight. Follow exit 2 to operation 33.

  6. Otherwise follow default exit 1 to operation 17.


By convention, the first exit represents the processing for “Closed” hours, and the second exit for “Open” hours, with any additional exits representing secondary/alternate Open Hours. However, this is purely a convention, and the definition of the BusinessHours operation does not rely on any particular intepretation of exits.

Exit Index Name Description
0 Exit #1 [Required] This array entry must exist, even if it has a null value. By convention this is used to represent "Closed" hours, and may be labelled as such in the GUI.
1 Exit #2 + By convention, Exits 2 and subsequent are used to represent "Open" hours, and may be labelled as such in the GUI.