
Property Type Flags Description
ID String Required The ID used internally when referring to the service.
Name String Required The Name used by the GUI when referring to the service.
Description String Optional A short description about what the service’s use is.
Cardinality Number / Null Required The maximum number of times a subscription to this service may appear on a subscriber’s wallet at any one time. If this is not specified, there is no limit.

Value Pack Service

A value pack service is a service which debits and/or credits a wallet.


Property Type Flags Descriptions
Value Number Required The amount of the unit that will be credited to the wallet.
Unit Unit Values Required The unit that will be credited to the wallet.

Expiration of the service can be applied to the service, see the expiry page for more information.

Unit Values


Property Type Flags Descriptions
Value Number Required The amount of the unit that will be debited from the wallet.
Unit Unit Values Required The unit that will be debited from the wallet.

Debits can also include rating context, see the ratesheet page for more information.