Configuration: Data Pipeline


The OCS data pipeline is built on Apache Nifi and consists of two core data processing functions:

  1. The export of the OCS real-time database wallet storage into timestamped point-in-time snapshots of OCS data in the reporting database.
  2. The stream processing of OCS EDRs to extract debit and credit activities, storing changes to wallet buckets as timestamped records in the reporting database.

Apache Nifi itself isn’t responsible for managing the size of the PostgreSQL database. Nifi ingests data, but does not remove it.


Prior to configuring Apache Nifi for OCS data processing, ensure that it is installed. OCS specific installation instructions are included in this documentation.

Web Designer Access

Once installed, Apache Nifi will be accessible on the reporting server at the URL: https://n2ocs-reporting-server/nifi, or alternatively if Nifi is not proxied, at http://n2ocs-reporting-server:8080/nifi. The initial Nifi GUI is a blank canvas in which data pipelines can be created and enabled, analysed and monitored.

Apache Nifi - blank canvas

Into this blank canvas, the OCS-specific data pipeline configuration be loaded as described next.

Real-Time Database Snapshots

To enable real-time database snapshots of wallet from the OCS database, import into Apache Nifi the file Read_All_OCS_Accounts_into_Postgres.xml. This file will be versioned - e.g. Read_All_OCS_Accounts_into_Postgres_v1.0.xml. This file will be available at /opt/nsquared/ocs/etc/nifi on any machine with the N-Squared OCS installed, or the latest version can be requested via an email to

To import this file, use the “Upload Template” button in the Operate box of the Nifi GUI:

Apache Nifi - upload template button

Once uploaded, the template (and all templates) can be accessed using the templates menu item, available through the hamburger bar of Nifi. Note that if this same versioned template is already uploaded, the upload fails and for this reason the version number of the template is included in name of the template.

Once available, use the template button to include the template into the Nifi data pipeline:

Apache Nifi - apply template

This template defines the full process for extracting data from the OCS real-time database, transforming the data, and inserting into the PostgreSQL database.


To configure the real-time database snapshot process, right click the “Read All OCS Accounts into Postgres” node, and choose the variables context menu item. The variable list will be displayed to the variables dialog box:

Variables for real time DB snapshots

The following variables need configuration in this dialog box:

Variable Description Default Value
N2OCS_DATABASE_NAME The name of the real time OCS database in the Mongo server. n2ocs
N2OCS_POSTGRES_SCHEMA_NAME The name of the PostgreSQL schema that holds the reporting database table n2ocs_account_snapshot n2ocs
N2OCS_MONGO_URL The URL of the real-time OCS Mongo server. -
POSTGRES_DRIVER_LOCATION The file location on the Apache Nifi server where the postgres JDBC driver can be found. This will need to be downloaded onto the server as part of installation, e.g. from /opt/postgresql-42.2.19.jar
TARGET_POSTGRES_URL The JDBC URL where the system can find the reporting database schema (as configured in N2OCS_POSTGRES_SCHEMA_NAME) -

In addition to the direct configuration in the variables list, the following configuration may also be altered.

Extraction Scheduling

The extract of wallet data from the real-time database is scheduled to occur once per day at midnight. This can be changed by editing the “Read all OCS Accounts from Mongo” node within the “Read All OCS Accounts into Postgres” template node.

Read all OCS Accounts from Mongo

In the node’s scheduling tab, the schedule is set (by default to 0 0 0 * *, which is daily at midnight):

Scheduling of DB export

The format of the schedule is the standard Unix CRON format, and can be run as frequently as desired, however note that:

  1. Extracting all wallet data from the Mongo database is not a zero-cost operation. Be sure to not impact real-time traffic with a frequency that is too high.
  2. Storage requirements for the PostgreSQL database must be sufficient to store all wallet data for the time period required for reporting data retention.

PostgreSQL Database Password

Unfortunately the PostgreSQL database password cannot be configured in the variables screen shown previously. Instead, the username and password to access PostgreSQL is configured in the services used by the “Save to Postgres” node:

Save to Postgres

Edit the “Save to Postgres” node’s configuration, and access the “Database Connection Pooling Service” property. This is a service called “N2OCS Postgres DB”:

Save to Postgres Properties

Load from here the “N2OCS Postgres DB” service, and configure the Database User and Password configuration options:

PostgreSQL Connection Pooling Service

The Password must be set after import, as sensitive values are not imported from template XML files.

Enabling the Data Pipeline

Each N2OCS data pipeline template is independent and can be enabled and disabled separately. Ensure, once all configuration is applied, that the pipeline process is started:

Node context menue

It is recommended that the data pipeline is tested by setting the schedule for the “Read all OCS Accounts from Mongo” to execute immediately, and check the data inserted into the reporting database.

Verifying Exports

To verify the exported snapshot(s) from the Mongo database, log in to the reporting database as either a report reader or writer, and run the following SQL:

n2reporting=# select nifi_insert_timestamp, count(*) from n2ocs.nifi_n2ocs_account_snapshot group by nifi_insert_timestamp;

Output should be similar to:

 nifi_insert_timestamp  | count
 2021-03-17 00:00:00+12 |   159
 2021-03-15 00:00:00+12 |   159
 2021-03-16 00:00:00+12 |   159
 2021-03-14 00:00:00+12 |   186

where each day the export is run, the wallet count matches the total number of buckets + wallets without buckets in the system.