Red Hat 8

Red Hat 8 Installation

The OCS is provided by two packages:

The OCS is built to run with Java 11 (or later), and MongoDB. Both a Java 11+ runtime environment and a MongoDB server must be available for the OCS to execute correctly. Security where required must be provided by a separate OAuth 2.0 server.

By default the OCS runs as the user n2daemon:daemon and its root directory is /opt/nsquared.

N-Squared Yum Package Repository

N-Squared provides a RPM repository that is used to provide a number of dependencies that otherwise are not available through standard channels (particularly the N-Squared proprietary packages).

In order to use this repository, set up the N-Squared RHEL yum repository by creating a record for it in the file:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nsquared.repo

Add the following content to the file with access credentials that are provided by N-Squared:

name=N-Squared Software Releases

Import the N-Squared GPG key for the RPM packages downloaded from our Yum repository

rpm -import

Clean all the existing repositories to update yum:

yum clean all

Update the available repositories to refresh the available package list:

yum update

Note that organisational security or operational guidelines might require our repository to be accessed through a local satellite repository, rather than direct as shown here.

Pre-Requisite Packages

The n2ocs package has no pre-requisites (other than Java).

The n2ocs-frontend package requires a HTTP server with the capability to proxy requests from the user’s web browser through to the OCS backend. In these instructions Apache’s HTTP server is used. Install core packages for Apache httpd:

yum install httpd mod_ssl

Then start and enable apache:

systemctl enable httpd
service httpd start

Optional Packages

The following helper packages may be installed:

yum install htop screen tmux nano vim

Java Installation

The OCS requires Java 11 to be available on the system.

To enable this on Red Hat systems:

sudo yum install java-11-openjdk
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/latest/bin/java 1
sudo alternatives --config java


Refer to the database configuration page for database installation and configuration steps.

Package Installation

Core OCS

Once all pre-requisites are installed as described above, the n2ocs package can be installed. The latest released version of the OCS can be installed via yum:

sudo yum install n2ocs

Once installed, follow the post-installation tasks and then configure the OCS by following the configuration documentation

OCS Frontend

For the OCS GUI frontend, the n2ocs-frontend package can be installed. The latest released version can be installed via yum:

sudo yum install n2ocs-frontend

Once installed, the OCS frontend will require configuration. See the configuration documentation