EDR Content


The OCS generates EDRs for every event that is processed by the OCS that may be of relevance for reporting or auditing. This includes financial actions such as the use of funds or the crediting of a wallet, along with changes to accounts through automated or manual events/actions, and changes made to OCS service data such as the creation or removal of policies.

See each sub-page of this documentation for further datails.

EDR Writers

The OCS uses the JSLEE EDR Writer subsystem, and has access to all the EDR writing methods published by the JSLEE.

The EDR writer is configured in the same way as other JSLEE verticles, by using the edr JSON hash inside the OCS service’s configuration:

    "applications": {
        "ocs": {
            "configuration": {
            "edr": {
                "enabled": true,
                "store-via": "nz.co.nsquared.slee.edr.storage.RedisEdrStorageService",
                "connection": {
                    "endpoint": "redis://redis-server1"
                "sink-list": "edr"


All EDRs generated by the OCS use the common JSLEE EDR format with several additional fields. The following is the basic structure of OCS EDRs:

  "type": "audit",
  "node-name": "marc",
  "event-timestamp": "2023-03-25T19:06:57.191200800Z",
  "correlation-info": {
    "slee-session-id": "fa32f6ef-edcb-42e4-8e2f-f3232bf7ea82",
    "slee-event-id": "1",
    "ocs-inner-intent": {
      "intention": "RESOURCE_INSERT",
      "resource-path": "account"
  "source-info": {
    "source-service": "localhost:54695",
    "source-system": "n2ocs",
    "source-endpoint": "localhost:10800",
    "source-subsystem": "http-api"
  "http-info": {
    "http-method": "POST",
    "tcp-address-local": "",
    "tcp-address-remote": "",
    "http-host": "localhost:10800"
  "status-message": null,
  "status-code": 200,

  // OCS EDR specific content

The standard EDR fields include the following:

Field Type Presence Description
type String Always The type of the EDR. One of “audit”, “bucket-zero”.
node-name String Always The server-name configured on the creating node.
event-timestamp Timestamp Always The time (in UTC) that the event that triggered the EDR occurred.
correlation-info Object Always A grouped field containing correlation information to match EDRs together for a given event.
source-info Object Always A grouped field containing source information for the entity and event that created this EDR.
status-message String Always Free-form text describing the outcome of the EDR, set by the creating service.
status-code Number Always A numeric code indicating success (200) or an error. Error codes differ by EDR type.

Correlation Information

The correlation information field (under the key correlation-info) holds information for the correlation of EDRs with each other and with external elements. All EDRs for a given triggering event will share the same slee-session-id value and will have distinct slee-event-id values.

Clients that trigger the OCS may reuse the same session ID between requests to the OCS - e.g. a Diameter session ID will be used to tie the session to the OCS debits across the entire session.

Field Type Presence Description
slee-session-id String Always Contains the session ID of the session that generated the EDR.
slee-event-id String Always Contains a generated event ID that may be used within the session to order EDRs.
ocs-inner-intent Object Always Contains OCS-specific information about the session.
ocs-inner-intent.intention String Always Defines why the EDR was generated. For multi-event actions the same session ID might be used for multiple actions which are otherwise difficult to tie together. The intention field helps to group EDR fields.
ocs-inner-intent.resource-path String Always Defines the API path (which maps closely to the URL path when using the API) that triggered the event.

Source Information

The source information field (under the key source-info) holds additional information on the source of a generated EDR.

Field Type Presence Description
source-service String Always Holds the configured name of the JSLEE service that triggered the request to the OCS to generate the EDR.
source-endpoint String Always If the EDR was generated by a HTTP event, this will be the hostname & port which received the request. If the EDR was generated by another JSLEE verticle the endpoint will be from that source.
source-system String Always Always set to n2ocs.
source-subsystem String Always Either engine for lifecycle processing triggered by account load, slee-api for any request triggered by the JSLEE API, http-api for any request triggered over the OCS’s HTTP API.