
Package Overview

The OCS is designed to be installed and run with a minimum of overhead. A single jar file provides the necessary software dependencies for the OCS server, and external dependencies are kept to a minimum.

However the preferred way to run the OCS is within the JSLEE. When run in this manner, the OCS is configured as a JSLEE service in the JSLEE server.json configuration. Refer to the JSLEE configuration documentation for further information on JSLEE integration and configuration.

The OCS software is packaged as n2ocs for the backend service, and n2ocs-frontend for the frontend administration GUI. This package is designed to be installed on Linux based systems such as Red Hat Linux and Debian. Installation is performed using standard package management tools - yum, dnf and rpm on Red Hat based systems, apt and dpkg on debian based systems.

OS Support

The N-Squared Online Charging System is officially supported on the following:

Red Hat based systems:

Debian based systems:

In practice, the OCS will run on any system that runs Java 11 or later, particularly any Debian or Red Hat based distribution (including CentOS and Oracle Enterprise Linux) with appropriate adjustments to these installation instructions.

Minimum Server Requirements

The OCS is a powerful horizontally and vertically scalable charging system yet can run on lightly resourced virtual machines.

A minimum server environment (not including the database) would consist of:

In practice, a virtual machine with 30Gb of disk, 4Gb of RAM and two 2.4GHz vCPU will provide the necessary resources to run the OCS under light load, assuming the database server is separate.