SMPP Op - Send Request

SMPP Operation - Send Request

This operation causes the IN Tester to send an SMPP PDU, simulating the role of a Message Center (MC). Currently the only supported PDU is deliver_sm, which causes the tester to generate the effect of a MS (mobile handset) having sent a short message.


The operation attributes are as follows:

Attribute Type Description
type String smpp.smsc_to_esme.Request
arguments Object [Required] The arguments specifying the message to send.
tests Array of Object An array of anonymous Objects. Each Object represents a check to be performed. The associated Pass/Fail entries will be generated in the test instance check_log. Refer to the Operation Tests documentation for more information on the syntext for Operation tests.


This is an example entry within the operations array:

    "type": "smpp.smsc_to_esme.Request",
    "arguments": {
        "pdu": "deliver_sm",
        "parameters": {
            "destination_addr": "27761485722", 
            "source_addr": "6491003000", 
            "short_message": "Be excellent to each other."
    "tests": [
         {   "kpath": "command_status", "type": "integer", "value": "0" }


The following operation arguments are supported:

Argument Type Notes
pdu String [Required] Name of the SMPP Protocol Data Unit (PDU) to send.
Currently the only supported PDU is deliver_sm.
arguments Object The structure of the SMPP-Arg to construct and send.
Expressions may be suppiled within this structure.

SMPP Parameters (Deliver SM)

When the PDU type is deliver_sm, the following parameters are supported:

Parameter Type Notes
service_type String Service type parameter can be used to indicate the SMS Application service associated with the message.
source_addr_ton Integer Range 0..6
(Default = 0, Unknown).
source_addr_npi Integer Range 0..18
(Default = 0, Unknown).
source_addr Hex String Address of the SME from which the message originated.
dest_addr_ton Integer Range 0..6
(Default = 0, Unknown).
dest_addr_npi Integer Range 0..18
(Default = 0, Unknown).
destination_addr Hex String Destination address of the short message.
esm_class Integer Range 0..128
(Default = 0, Default MC Mode).
protocol_id Integer Range 0..255
(Default = 0, Network-Specific Value).
priority_flag Integer Range 0..4
(Default = 0, Non-Priority).
schedule_delivery_time String Defines the schedule delivery time of the short message, in Absolute or Relative time format (see SMPP 3.4 specification section 7.1.1 for more details).
(Default = Not Scheduled).
validity_period String The validity period of the message, in Absolute or Relative time format (see SMPP 3.4 specification section 7.1.1 for more details).
(Default = No Validity Expiry).
registered_delivery Integer Range 0..128
(Default = 0, No Delivery Receipt Requested).
replace_if_present_flag Integer Range 0..255
(Default = 0, Do Not Replace).
data_coding Integer The only data coding value currently supported is 0, which the n2svcd SMPP Codec will interpret as GSM 03.38 7-Bit.
Range 0..128
(Default = 0, MC Specific/GSM 03.38 7-Bit).
sm_default_msg_id Integer Range 0..255
(Default = 0, Unused).
short_message Binary String Specify the encoded bytes of message content (up to 255 bytes) as binary data.
Alternatively, specify the unencoded message as short_message_text.
short_message_text String Specify the unencoded message text, and the SMPP Codec will encode the data according to the value of data_coding.

KPath Test Paths

For SMPP Send Response tests the following top-level elements will be available via the KPath: