Test SIP UDP Messages


The Test SIP UDP Application (TestSipUdpApp) uses UDP messages to pass inbound and outbound UDP content internally over the n2svcd message bus.

The following LuaApp agents from the core n2svcd module use TestSipUdpApp.

The internal UDP messages are:

Note that this page uses the term “on-the-wire” to refer to the sending or receiving of UDP content by the TestSipUdpApp. This term is also inclusive of the case where the message is sent by local loopback and does not physically transit a Network Interface Controller (NIC).


The TEST-SIP-UDP-RECV message is generated by TestSipUdpApp and sent to the receiving app when an inbound UDP message is received over the UDP interface. The TestSipUdpApp is responsible for determining which application should receive the UDP.

There are two mechanism by which this can be done:

  1. The TestSipUdpApp will extract a previously-claimed call ID from the payload,
  2. A UDP Handler rules routes a non-correlated payload (a new dialog).

Refer to the TestSipUdpApp Configuration for more information.

The attributes of the TEST-SIP-UDP-RECV message are:

Field Type Description
payload String [Required] The UDP payload content received.
originator_ip String [Required] The remote destination IP address in dot notation format.
originator_port Number [Required] The remote destination UDP port number.
call_id String The previously-claimed call ID which caused this correlated payload to be directed to the claimant.
(Default = this payload was forwarded by a handler rule, not by a claimed call ID).


The TEST-SIP-UDP-SEND is sent to the TestSipUdpApp by another application wishing to place a UDP payload on-the-wire.

The attributes of the TEST-SIP-UDP-SEND message are:

Field Type Description
payload String [Required] The UDP payload content to send.
destination_ip String [Required] The remote destination IP address in dot notation format.
destination_port Number [Required] The remote destination UDP port number.
call_id String An optional call ID which is typically but not necessarily contained within the payload.
This notifies the TestSipUdpApp that any subsequently received UDP packets associated with this call ID are part of an ongoing dialog controlled by the sending context, and should be passed back to that sender context using the TEST-SIP-UDP-RECV message.
A claim will override any existing claim, meaning the previous claimant will not receive the payloads.
(Default = do not claim a call ID).
seconds Number How long the call ID claim will last (unless subsequently extended or renewed).
(Default = use configured defaults).


The TEST-SIP-UDP-FAIL is sent by the TestSipUdpApp by another application whenever a TEST-SIP-UDP-SEND does not successfully place a UDP message on-the-wire.

The attributes of the TEST-SIP-UDP-FAIL message are:

Field Type Description
call_id String The call ID from the original TEST-SIP-UDP-SEND, if supplied.
(Default = the original send request did not provide a call ID).
reason String [Required] A short description of the reason for the failure to send.