Troubleshooting - BPL

Depending on your installation, you may be using NCC Business Process Logic (BPL) methods in some N2C5 UI functions. This varies from site to site, but may include:

The BPL interface offered by NCC is a server supporting requests made via the CORBA Standard. Whenever N2C5 wishes to execute a BPL method to NCC, it must first determine the current CORBA IOR (Inter Object Reference) which describes the BPL server.

On the NCC SMS, the BPL server process is implemented by the program:


Refer to the NCC documentation for a description of how this program should be configured on the SMS.

The smsTrigDaemon writes its server IOR into the IORS table of the SMF database. The N2C5 BPL plugins read the smsTrigDaemon IOR from the IORS table in order to determine the CORBA information (host, port, versions, etc.)

The N2C5 BPL look for an IOR of a given name. The IOR name which N2C5 expects to find is configured in the server-side config as described under Configuration - BPL IOR. e.g.

<!-- SELECT ior_name FROM iors WHERE obj_name LIKE '%smsTrigDaemon'; -->

The IOR string looks something like:


You can look in the IORS table on the SMF to find this IOR. Alternatively you can view all current IORs on the NCC SMS platform by running the smsIorDump utility as described in the NCC documentation.

smf_oper$ /IN/service_packages/SMS/bin/smsIorDump

The output is as follows:

NAME  - telco-sms-smsTrigDaemon
CLASS - Not Specified
IP    - Not Specified
object <#14#01#0F#00RSTS#1C#F4#F4#00#0AS#C8#00#00#00#00#00#00#00#01#00#00#00#01>;
 no trustworthy most-specific-type info; unrecognizable ORB;
 reachable with IIOP 1.2 at host "", port 9004

The BPL CORBA server host and port numbers are printed by smsIorDump as shown. You must ensure that firewall routing is correctly configured to allow N2C5 to communicate with these node/port combinations.